Vehicles today are sophisticated, fine-tuned machines. Much more so than those of, say the 1970’s. In that era, cars needed what was called a tune-up every 5-10,000 miles! Could you imagine needing to have a tune-up done on your car every other oil change?! Now today’s vehicles don’t require major services as frequently, but to […]

Whether you pay monthly, bi-monthly, yearly, or are the Batman and don’t pay for insurance, there are a multitude of aspects that can affect your insurance rates. However there are a fair share of rumors out there having to do with what ACTUALLY makes your insurance rates more or less. Your local Salt Lake City BMW […]

Utah winters will bring in snowy and icy conditions on the road, so it is important to check the following items on your vehicle to make sure it is ready to get you safely through the next few cold months. Battery: Avoid getting stranded in the parking lot when it’s below freezing by recharging or replacing […]

Did you ever think about how much experience and knowledge the technician has who is working on your car?   No business like the Automotive repair business is based on experience and continuous education. I am in the Automotive repair business for over 30 years now and I feel like a car myself sometimes. I […]